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Brandon Privacy Policy

Brandon Privacy Policy
At Brandon, we care for your personal integrity and we strive for a high level of data protection.  
This policy describes, among other things, which types of personal data we process, why we process them and how we make sure they are protected.  
Who is responsible for the personal data Brandon processes?
Brandon AB, company registration number 556447-0390, Box 2071, 433 02 Sävedalen, Sweden, is the Personal Data Controller for the processing of personal data at Brandon.
Which types of personal data is processed by Brandon?
Brandon processes a very limited amount of personal data, primarily your name and your contact details such as address, e-mail address and phone number. In some cases we also process your IPaddress.  
Why are we processing personal data?
The primary reason for processing personal data is because you are, or have been, our customer. This can be either as a private consumer or through your employment or business association with one of our corporate customers.
In connection herewith, we need to process personal data for the main purposes to:
- Fulfil our commitment connected with your purchase from us, such as product delivery, invoicing etc  - Fulfil legal obligations, such as the Swedish Accounting Act - Fulfil potential guarantee commitments, handle product claims, customer service cases etc.  - Maintain our common interest to a continued supplier-customer relationship
How, where and how long do we process and store personal data?
We store and process all personal data within IT systems on computers and servers, all protected by passwords, up-to-date virus protection and other security measures to secure that only authorized personnel are able to access personal data.  
All computers and servers where we process personal data are located within EU/ EEA.  
We save your personal data as long as any of the purposes mentioned under ”why” above is still valid.
With whom may we possibly share your personal data?
Brandon may in some cases become legally obliged to share information with government authorities (e.g the police or tax authorities). We are also sharing personal data with companies which provide goods transportation (logistics companies, freight forwarders) or payment solutions (payment service providers). In such cases, the partners shall process the data as independent personal data controllers in accordance with their own privacy policies.
Which are your rights as an individual?
You, as an individual, have the right to know what personal data we hold about you in our IT systems. If we receive such a request, we may ask for additional information to secure that we disclose the information to the right person. Thereafter, we will provide you with the information without undue delay. Should you, in connection with this, notice that any of the data we hold is incorrect, you have the right to ask for a correction.  
You, as an individual, also has the right to have your personal data deleted from our systems. There may be reasons for us not to grant your request for deletion if there are legal obligations that prevent us from doing so.
How can you contact us if you have questions around data protection and processing of personal data?
You are welcome to contact your normal contact person within Brandon, who will pass on your question internally. Alternatively you can use the contact form on our website, or send an e-mail to
Latest update 2022-02-28